Hmm... this sounds awfully familiar! This man considers these people his “advisors”? And, he thinks he has enough intelligence to actually run the country? After 15-20 years he claims to know nothing about these men that are his advisors? He is either lying or completely dumb, blind, and naive - well, maybe a little bit of all of those...
Again, the more I hear the scarier it gets...
“”He counseled Obama Tuesday morning, and while CBS 2 talked to him Tuesday evening, Rev. Wright called his cell phone.
“I don’t think he had any intention to hurt Barack. He loves Barack,” Pfleger said. “I think the pain and the moment took over.””
So Obama goes to the priest loon for counseling about his father/son crisis with the pastor loon...the priest loon sounds apologetic...then the priest a few weeks later goes even loonier to hurt Barack...hmm.