Evolution "Science" (LOL!!!) is a platform for self-deluding imbeciles to pretend that they possess some meaningful knowledge in order to fool other imbeciles, get free drinks at the pub, and score fat chicks with no taste or sense of shame.There exists absolutely NO EVIDENCE of evolution beyond the tortured hypothesis of a son-of-a-preacher who used his syphillus-twisted imagination to strike back at his overly strict Daddy.
And he, like all Darwinist-chimp-spawn, will burn forever in Hell for refusing to acknowlege God as their Creator and Lord.
Is this your personal opinion, or is this the dogma of some particular religion?
Or are you trying to win a bad writing contest of some kind?
In either case, it would qualify here.
Nontheless, Evolution apologists cling to their religion pretending that it does both. In fact, it does neither. For once, we agree.