Oh please. In 1992, Clinton and the Democrats controlled the federal government. What happened 2 years later?
There's no need to be afraid of Obama. This nation would rise up so fast it'll make your head spin. If McCain chooses another RINO for VP and keeps spewing the global warming/amnesty/campaign-finance bologna, then conservatives might as well concede the WH. And don't give me this stuff about doing it for the troops either, because no presidential candidate is dumb enough to pull the rug out from under our troops while progress is being made in Iraq.
In ‘64 we ran a true believer. We lost but fortunately the Great Society made no lasting impression. Didn’t hurt a bit.
You expect the dem prez will do the same?
How many of the dems have called for outright surrender and general pullout?
Do you think those in their right minds (no pun)will have obama's ear, or is there a possibility that the likes of Turbin durbin, stark, ried and their ilk will have influence?
I guess the question is, just how far are you willing to let this country sink in the hopes of the sheeple then waking up and revolting? Be advised, the media will not be on your side, ever, and sheeple love their good morning america pablum
Obama is stupid enough to do just that and more.