My goodness all this anti ethanol propaganda and none of it’s detractors can remember all the tax credits given to the oil industry. Hmmm
This foolishness with ethanol has gotten so far out of hand in this country that there are now a number of referenda in the Corn States to outlaw the production electricity with coal. Hello? Any of you geniuses in Kansas not understand that US reserves of easily mineable thermal coal total over 500 billion tons? Any of you people in Iowa not understand that if we don't burn our own coal then people in China, India and Japan are perfectly willing to? Any of you "environmentalists" realize that the environmental cost of transporting coal halfway around the world will be far greater than burning it here?
Like most environmentalist hype (hydrogen, solar, wind, geothermal) ethanol is a technology that can't deliver. Unfortunately, it flourishes because of a manufactured constituency and poor science education.