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Good and Evil, God, a bit politically incorrect.
at its core it is an ancient battle between good and evil. The killers claim the mantle of Islam, but they are not religious men. No one who prays to the God of Abraham could strap a suicide vest to an innocent child, or blow up guiltless guests at a Passover Seder, or fly planes into office buildings filled with unsuspecting workers. In truth, the men who carry out these savage acts serve no higher goal than their own desire for power. They accept no God before themselves. And they reserve a special hatred for the most ardent defenders of liberty, including Americans and Israelis.
It sure is funny hearing the Democrats claiming that “politics stops at the water’s edge” even though they have no problems in engaging in their own shadow foreign policy in opposition to Bush.
Did Obama have a specific response to this speech?
Bibi isn’t perfect, but I’d rather have him as P.M. of Israel than Tweedledee Olmerde. Of course, if I had my druthers, I want King David send down from Heaven and be Israel’s leader right now. (hey, I can dream, can’t i?!)
How telling, not to mention utterly damning, is it that the Obama and his own supporters see Bush's remarks about the delusion of appeasers as being about him?
.....This is a bold vision....
Not one Democrat can see this vision. They insist on looking backward to the endless conflict they can get a handle on. They can’t see the vision of a future where the animosity has been reduced to the point where the conflict is gone.
Not one Democrat can see or conceive of the fact that all they think they know is obsolete and no longer matters. This is especially true of JimmY Carter who in his daft way doesn’t realize the game he is playing has actually been over for several years. There is a new game and all new rules and players.