We won over 50 house seats in 1994, but the press refused to quote the actual number, instead bemoaning the “Republican takeover.” We never had another big night until 2002, because 9-1-1 gave us a Republican president and a Congress that could support him. We blew it. We squandered it.
This Mississipi race is for a dependable Republican district. I live in a silk stocking Republican district where the GOP clearly outnumbers Democrats. It went Democrat two years ago. The national Republicans refused to support their own congressional nominee because he was too conservative for them. He wanted to close the border. They would rather have had the enemy win. They are Rino’s. This is where they take us.
The Republicans are now as impotent as during the bad old days of FDR, Johnson, and post Watergate. They stand for nothing, a “me too” version of the Democrats, and we are told to vote for a dreadful candidate that many of us despise. I am listening to talk radio as I type, airing a McCain speech in which he thunders in favor of a pet cause, global warming. We are told to vote for this madman because he will give us good SC justices, while the same man battled his own president on similar justices with the creation of the “Gang of 14.”
When the economy tanks, and I've been laid off myself, the president is thus held responsible. I know people will get mad here, but gas prices and food prices are starting to resemble Jimmy Carter's economy. That's where we're up against as far as reaching the general public in an election year. This is going to be a wipe out.
Good gracious. Vote for Obambi then. We got much bigger fish to fry than for us to get caught up on global warming no matter what McCain thinks of it.