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To: NoLibZone

As a halfie whose father fought in the Haganah, I have to ask:

Why are so very many American Jews so very stupid?

3 posted on 05/12/2008 12:55:49 AM PDT by NoLibZone (The Huge Demonstrations by Illegals in 2006 prove they have more of the Spirit of 76 then we do)
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To: NoLibZone
I am good friends with an orthodox rabbi who gets so enraged over this issue it's all he can do not to scream.

He said that the simple reason why Jews vote for democrats is so they can tell their friends at the museum that they are cultured and progressive because they vote for democrats.

He said they are so blind they won't realize what they've done to themselves until the knife is halfway through their necks.

To be honest, I can't think of any better explanation for why Jews will vote against their own interests like they do. It's simply bizarre.

6 posted on 05/12/2008 1:23:13 AM PDT by GiovannaNicoletta
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To: NoLibZone
Why are so very many American Jews so very stupid?

Probably because they've never been forced to wear yellow stars.

11 posted on 05/12/2008 1:35:31 AM PDT by Mr Ramsbotham (Who's worried about the Bolsheviks? They couldn't be worse than the Tsar!)
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To: NoLibZone

That is something I will never be able to understand. They helped to elect Keith Ellison, for crying out loud. Do they hate themselves that much? Apparently the answer is “YES”.

16 posted on 05/12/2008 1:55:09 AM PDT by Past Your Eyes (Bill Clinton: Life Member of the Liars' Club.)
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To: NoLibZone

honestly, I ask myself the same thing; the ONLY thing I can think is that these jews are secular. Because, if they had any allegiance or love for Israel they would NEVER vote dem. It baffles me to see this happen year after year. They’re like the blacks...once they get stuck in the party, they can’t get out.

26 posted on 05/12/2008 4:20:29 AM PDT by spacejunkie01
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To: NoLibZone
"As a halfie whose father fought in the Haganah, I have to ask:

Why are so very many American Jews so very stupid?"

Coming from a thoroughly mixed (-up?) family myself, my observation is that there are very large numbers of American Jews who know so little about about Israel that it is hard to have an intelligent conversation with them about the subject.

43 posted on 05/12/2008 6:01:52 AM PDT by cookcounty (Obama reach across the aisle? He's so far to the left, he'll need a roadmap to FIND the aisle.)
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To: NoLibZone
I theorize that American Jews consider the GOP more WASP Christian and the Democrats as more Jew friendly.

It will take time to change that opinion.

You would think after the Saint Louis, no Jew would vote Democrat.

The Voyage of the Damned

The German Propaganda Ministry and the Nazi party conceived of a propaganda exercise which would demonstrate that Germany was not alone in its territorial, exclusionary hostility to Jews as a permanent minority within the political economy of their state[citation needed]. They (German propagandists) wanted to demonstrate that the “civilized” world agreed with their assertion that Jews constituted a continuing, “hidden-hand” of influence on national and economic affairs. They wanted to demonstrate that no other Western country or people would receive them as refugees. Firstly it would appear that the Nazis were allowing the Jewish refugees a new life in Havana.

The Nazis were aware of rising western antisemitism and correctly surmised that these Jews, traveling on tourist visas (not immigrant visas), would not be able to visit Cuba as tourists when in fact they were political/social refugees; who, for whatever reason, had been forcibly removed from Germany, their home country. Furthermore, having been refused entry in Cuba and other Atlantic nations, the plight of the refugees would force the world to admit that there was a "Jewish problem", which Germany, for all to see, were trying to resolve "humanely".[citation needed]

With no one allowing the passengers entry they would be in no position, in the future, to morally object when Germany dealt with their 'problem' Jewish population.[citation needed]

The St. Louis sailed out of Hamburg into the Atlantic Ocean in May 1939 carrying one non-Jewish and 936 (mainly German) Jewish refugees seeking asylum from Nazi persecution just before World War II.[1][2]

However, on the ship's arrival in Cuba, the passengers were refused asylum by the Cuban government under Federico Laredo Brú. This prompted a near mutiny. Two people attempted suicide and dozens more threatened to do the same. However, 29 of the refugees were able to disembark at Havana.[3]

On 4 June 1939, the St. Louis was also refused permission to unload on orders of President Roosevelt as the ship waited in the Caribbean Sea between Florida and Cuba. Initially, Roosevelt showed limited willingness to take in some of those on board despite the Immigration Act of 1924, but vehement opposition came from Roosevelt's Secretary of State, Cordell Hull, and from Southern Democrats — some of whom went so far as to threaten to withhold their support of Roosevelt in the 1940 Presidential election if this occurred.

The St. Louis then tried to enter Canada but was denied as well.[4]

The ship sailed for Europe, first stopping in England, where 288 of the passengers disembarked and were thus spared from the Holocaust. The remaining 619 passengers disembarked at Antwerp. 224 were accepted into France, 214 into Belgium and 181 into Holland, safe from Hitler's persecution until the German invasions of these countries. [5][6]

The ship without the passengers eventually sailed back to Hamburg, Germany. By using the survival rates for Jews in these countries, Thomas and Morgan-Witts estimated that 180 of the St. Louis refugees in France, along with 152 of those in Belgium and 60 of those in Holland survived the Holocaust, giving a total of 709 estimated survivors and 227 killed of the original 936 Jewish refugees.[7][8]

Later, more detailed, research by Scott Miller and Sarah Ogilvie of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum has given a slightly higher total of deaths:

"Of the 620 St. Louis passengers who returned to continental Europe, we determined that eighty-seven were able to emigrate before Germany invaded western Europe on May 10, 1945. Two hundred and fifty-four passengers in Belgium, France and the Netherlands after that date died during the Holocaust. Most of these people were murdered in the killing centers of Auschwitz and Sóbibor; the rest died in internment camps, in hiding or attempting to evade the Nazis. Three hundred sixty-five of the 620 passengers who returned to continental Europe survived the war."[9] -Wiki

66 posted on 05/12/2008 12:46:14 PM PDT by Rome2000 (Peace is not an option)
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To: NoLibZone; ExTexasRedhead
Why are so very many American Jews so very stupid?

Most American Jews are, by nature, idealistic. They see the RAT party as the party of hopes and dreams that seeks to make the world better. That it has a long record of making the world worse is beside the point.

I realize this is very stupid, but it is the way things are. I converted my spouse to the GOP but have no hope of changing the mind of a single one of my crazy Jewish relatives.

Nonetheless, I do not think our parents will vote for Bambi. They believe he is a PLO sympathiser. At least they have one thing right.

76 posted on 05/12/2008 3:37:25 PM PDT by freespirited
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To: NoLibZone

I think that American Jews have the political viewpoint they do because they mostly are secular rather than religious Jews. Bush has been one of Israel’s best friends but many American Jews could care less about the survival of Israel. Many are willing to go-along-to-get-along with Muslims and are naive in thinking that if they isolate themselves from trouble, trouble won’t find them anyway.

80 posted on 05/12/2008 4:04:45 PM PDT by MHT
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