Being forced to sew a wedding dress for a wedding you don’t want, to a guy you don’t love, for a life of servitude and sexual slavery you don’t want—might not technically be a crime, but it does expose the complete and total moral bankruptcy of this cult. Thank Heaven she escaped.
You are reading a lot into the story that simply isn't there.
Escaped? She turned 18, became and adult and left. There is not dramatic 'escape' story presented.
A guy she doesn't love? No 'guy' was ever selected for her.
A life of servitude? A life of sexual slavery? That is a very dim view you have of marriage. Particularly for a marriage in this instance that was never presented or proposed.
While all of those things may be true (or not) about that group - they are not presented in this story.
Find a woman with a real story and present that.