Breaking from the format here just for one post, we thought we’d draw some attention to’s listing of “Hottest Professors” that came out recently. And to borrow from a tech bashing site we love, this one gets a heaping helping of FAIL.

Presumably “hottest” would mean hot as in sexy, and not a single professor in the top five comes with a photo. And the only one we were able to dig up from her respective faculty site, is shown below. Either we are mis-understanding this hot list, or the students picking the winners here has a sense of humor.




The top five ladies on the list, in order, were:

  1. Maria Disavino - Manhattan College
  2. Lesley Yoder - Boston University
  3. Heather Tierney - College of Charleston
  4. Stephanie Bowers - Oregon State University
  5. Peggy Ward - Wichita State

Again, none of the listings contained photos, and the only find-able one from the list above, is shown in this post. Ugh.

See the full listing here, if you even care.