There's something else called walking the walk.
When John McCain and the other American POW’s were in the hellhole of a prison/torture chamber called the Hanoi Hilton, a lot of very well-read Americans mocked them - in fact they gloried in this mocking.
They traveled to Hanoi just to sneer and jeer at the American POW’s, when their SOBitching captors dragged the prisoners past the “visitors.”
“Hanoi” Jane Fonda was among these distinguished, highly educated visitors.
One prisoner whispered a few words to Jane to pass on when she returned to the States. Jane reported the prisoner to the captors for doing this.
This delegation of eminent thinkers and pontificating “moralists” was, yes, “very well read.”
Jane even posed at a NVA AA gun. She knew the importance of classical commitment to a noble cause...
Yes, all this scum was very well read. They were, yes, very knowledgeable in many instances - certainly of the screeds of Marx.
They were surely well-read, and they certainly knew more about everything than anybody else. They would tell you this even without being asked.
Listen I respect his service to our country.
But he POW days have NOTHING to do with what his actions will be and the direction he will take as POTUS.
So, get over his time as a POW and look at what he would do in the Oval office.
It is about issues not where he had lunch in 1968.
Using your line of reasoning John Kerry served in Viet-Nam or haven’t you heard that?
And of course there is no comparision between the two’s service there.
John McCain is a Socialist in some of his beliefs, why not just admit it so the real issues can be debated instead of this he was this 30 years ago.
He wants to tell Conservatives what to say, how to act, and we must all do as John McCain says, but he gets to be the Maverick.
Well I say lets all be mavericks and go against Juan McCain.
When John McCain acts like a conservative then I will treat him like one, until then the areas he is a Socialist in are the areas I will fight him on.
So go on and drink more of the Kool-aid, and let him be a RINO and tell you what to think, how to act.
Trll me something, McCain came out the same night and attacked the NC GOP about the Obama ad they are running, thinking he has the right to tell others how to act and what he wants.
Where is he on the recent DNC ad? Not apeep, doesn’t want to offend his lib friends and fellow travelers?
Tell me where is Juan McCain your fearless maverick leader?