When John McCain acts like a conservative then I will treat him like one, until then the areas he is a Socialist in are the areas I will fight him on.
So go on and drink more of the Kool-aid, and let him be a RINO and tell you what to think, how to act.
Trll me something, McCain came out the same night and attacked the NC GOP about the Obama ad they are running, thinking he has the right to tell others how to act and what he wants.
Where is he on the recent DNC ad? Not apeep, doesn’t want to offend his lib friends and fellow travelers?
Tell me where is Juan McCain your fearless maverick leader?
Be so kind as to give us some details about the walk you have walked in life to so casually and vehemently condemn anyone - including veterans who have gone through unimaginable, prolonged torture by the most evil of persons - who do not fit your ideological purity test.
There is a curious totalitarian and fanaticism bent to your mind-set which makes it seem that you, not others, would be most at home in a socialist society - an "advanced" socialist society in which purity is the ultimate concern and where there are masters and slaves.
You of course would be a master.