I do not have problems with the statutory rape charge for any minor with varying degrees of punishment based upon the age of the minor and possible consent.
For example, if the victim (male or female) is less than 12 / 13 / 14 (pick your age), then no consent can be given and it is automatically forcible rape which should carry a heavier penalty.
If the victim is between the age above and 18 then the charge should be of a lesser rape unless otherwise (via threat, force, drugs, etc) it qualifies for forcible rape. If consent can be shown, then punishment should be reduced to a lessor sentence. Thus operating under the premise that even though a 16 or 17 year old my willing have sex, they are not mature enough to give such consent.
Dangerous cults like this should not be allowed to practice their evil in this country. period.
Like the Jim Jones outfit they should have the decency to go to another more welcoming place to hide their filth. Saudi Arabia perhaps.
But no kids should be allowed to go with them.