Posted on 04/11/2008 3:21:03 PM PDT by NormsRevenge
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger says if an initiative to ban gay marriage qualifies for the November ballot, he's prepared to fight it.
California's governor was in San Diego Friday speaking at the annual convention of the Log Cabin Republicans, the nation's largest gay Republican group.
Schwarzenegger said he was confident that a ban would never pass in California but called the effort "a waste of time" - joking that he wished activists would focus on allowing naturalized citizens to run for president instead.
A Schwarzenegger spokeswoman did not say what prompted the governor to shift his position. He has previously vetoed bills that would have legalized gay marriage.
after all, He did sign SB 777 ..
and a sloughful of other legislation
that does little for the family
and a lot to advance the gay rights agenda.
Schwarzenegger said he was confident that a ban would never pass in California but called the effort "a waste of time" - joking that he wished activists would focus on allowing naturalized citizens to run for president instead.
As amazing as it might seem to you, Arnold, the country will survive despite the fact that you'll never be its President.
Yeah so what else is new? If anyone here expresses surprise, calcowgirl, Norm, Wasp and I are going to flame them back to the stone-age.
What is with this guy.
California's having as much "success" with a RINO governor as Illinois, Tennessee, New Jersey, and Mass. had. Look how wonderful New Jersey is today after all those years of "Republican" rule.
Hey, we tried to warn 'em.
Does he have any idea which part of the electorate actually put him in office...?
We’ve seen the way he fights — not impressed. He fought for budget reform until a bunch of nurses and teachers yelled at him.
He’s such a girly-man.
It’s a really big tent, LOL.
He’s got the entitlement mentality pretty bad, it would appear.
I’m surprised! *ducking for cover*
Right. If a country of 300 million people can’t produce worthy, native-born leaders, that country is in more trouble than a naturalized citizen leader could fix.
Just like we are trying to warn them about McCain which is why I’m still checking out the third parties. Let the Dems have it; at least they can’t blame the mess that McCain will make of everything on the republicans if he’s not in office.
He does. They are the same folks who are bank rolling him today. For the most part, it was gullible partisans (Republicans) voting for this impostor while Orange County businessmen financed the enterprise in return for their fair share of the General Fund.
This same duo, uninformed partisans and financial opportunists, now have an angry little schmuck with a Napoleonic complex as their Trojan, hoping to repeat their success at the national level. Again in November, we can expect partisan fools to carry the water for the money men. Sadly, many these ignoramuses are participating of this forum.
Arnold might not be what he seems to be?
What a disappointment! Arnie that is. He has fallen victim to the dreaded mental disorder called liberalism.
Well said.
He was always a phony, and as you say, this is no surprise.
The mistake was in making Prop 22 a legislative initiative instead of a constitutional amendment.
Although, even a constitutional amendment doesn’t stop the anti-normalcy activists from pulling an end-run, as they have in Oregon (”civil unions”).
Anyhow, about Schwarzenegger, we told them so, but we were shouted down. McClintock would have won, and California would be so much better off.
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