“Come along sometime on a postal carriers day, any day, especially some ice covered blizzard-y day in life-threatening temperatures, and spend some time in my shoes. Help me get unstuck for the twentieth or thirtieth time in a day. Ride along while I drive a mile down a desolate, death-defying ice-covered gravel road to deliver a pizza coupon to a single house before turning around. Blast through some two or three foot tall snow drifts to get those mass mailings out. You’ll have a new appreciation for how much you get for your tax dollars and stamp money.”
And the sniper fire. Don’t forget the sniper fire!
Okay, now that's funny!
I'm not defending the steak-house festival, but the USPS cannot be the most inefficient and disorganized part of the Government. It is being run supposedly as a free-standing business, changes coming down constantly to help cut costs, increase productivity, and improve the mail flow.
Compare this effort to Congress, for example. Which do you get your money's worth out of?
I'm trying to point out to you supposedly smart freepers that blanket statements deriding the entire operation based on ONE possible abuse is not freeper-quality thinking, and frankly embarrassing to read. It's fun and games smacking around the post office, but it's not based on a fair examination of the whole affair. I used to think like that too, until I started working there.