Seems like a truthful article. Blaks are their own worst enemies and many don’t see their own racism.
They vote for someone because of the color of their skin. That’s racist.
They have race based organizations like the NAACP, UNCF, etc. That’s racist.
I can’t find one word to disagree with.
Someday African Americans will see that the “Black” political movement has been a sham that has locked them into this situation. Democrats dangle promises of freebies and special compensations and they just keep believing. Republicans won't make such promises so they are the “Man”, the enemy. Obama is exploiting this psychology along with liberal “white guilt” and creating a messianic cult.
It’s not skin color—it’s culture. It would be foolish to accept the culture of any person or a group that embraces demonstrably destructive societal practices. But it is based upon culture, not skin color. That’s why we oppose liberalism, communism, etc.
Those who enjoy this topic may want to read Larry Elder’s Ten Things You Can’t Say in America.
Excellent article.
In agreement.
The problems of that community are due to self-loathing and can only be solved by that community.
This article is racist.
Here’s my 4 point solution to the the race problem in America:
1. Get a job.
2. STFU.
3. Put your shoulder to the wheel just like everyone else.
4. STFU.
And, in this regard, the race hucksters have been joined by a presidential candidate's wife. Michelle Obama has taken it upon herself to convince her audience that they can't make it...and should instead settle for low-paying jobs in "the caring industries".
After all, according to her, she and Barack couldn't make it on $500K annually and needed his book royalties to get over the hump...
Better to have low expectations and no dreams at all...
Would offer, that instead, 'racism' would see a revival that would throw us back to the 'bad old days'.
This article is RACIST! (/sarc)
"People have been calling for national dialogues and conversations for decades. It usually works something like this: Liberals say we need a frank discussion about race (or class or gender) in this country, and then they proceed to bludgeon any conservative stupid enough to take them up on their offer." -- Jonah GoldbergIn a way, this is not a fair question because I find myself stereotyping between the groups that I want to compare. But is there arguably a correspondence to be made between the liberals spoken of above and the Democrats addressed in the following locked FR thread?Everyone always says that they want a national dialogue about race, but what they really seem to want is a national lecture where a liberal mouths politically correct platitudes -- and everyone else is welcome to either nod along or shut up out of fear that they'll be called a racist for daring to have an opinion contrary to left-wing doctrine.
An Open Letter to The Democratic Party