To: Mount Athos
Oh sheesh, looks like michelle malkin has drunk a bottle of Absolut before she wrote the article.
The ad basically states in a dream drunken world, that would happen.
Very clever ad, plays on the paranoid American far right wing and on the small radical Mexican left wing.
Either way both sides are being played by Absolut.
24 posted on
04/03/2008 8:27:38 AM PDT by
("Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall" Ronald Reagan, 1987)
To: Dane
I kinda understand your need to drink and then be stupid, but I don’t understand your need to broadcast it to the world. It is better that the world thinks you are stupid, then to open your mouth and prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt.
To: Dane
Looks like you poured more tequila than usual over your cornflakes this morning.
46 posted on
04/03/2008 8:41:21 AM PDT by
(Enjoy ASIAN CINEMA? See my Freeper page for recommendations (updated!).)
To: Dane
The ad basically states in a dream drunken world, that would happen. Says you.
47 posted on
04/03/2008 8:42:12 AM PDT by
(Nice job, Hillary. Now go home and get your shine box.)
To: Dane
Ah, you can always count on Dane to ride to the rescue of his reconquista buddies.
The ad basically states in a dream drunken world, that would happen.
Sure it does, pal. That makes no sense for an ad.
48 posted on
04/03/2008 8:42:46 AM PDT by
To: Dane
Once again, you prove your amazing ability to see things upside down.
50 posted on
04/03/2008 8:43:35 AM PDT by
To: Dane
"The ad basically states in a dream drunken world, that would happen.
Very clever ad, plays on the paranoid American far right wing and on the small radical Mexican left wing. "
We're not stupid, we can see what the ad says. It dreams of destroying the union. What I don't see is how that is "clever" unless your goal is to enrage and alienate as many consumers as possible. I guess they're deciding that they'd be better off with 12 million illegal customers than the other law abiding 300 million. You don't have to be "far right" to want the western united states to remain as the property of the american people. I think for you to say that is quite illuminating of your poorly hidden radical nature.
To: Dane
The ad basically states in a dream drunken world, that would happen. The ad isn't trying to say that - and it's a real stretch to even interpret it that way. It's a straightforward, classic appeal to Mexican machismo - "Drink Absolut and you'll be the kind of man who will win back for Mexico the lands the gringos stole from you."
It's the Mexican equivalent of Reverend Wright's message to blacks: "You are owed."
Now it's true that a vodka ad doesn't amount to much in the grand scheme of things, but I find it significant that an international company deems the message potent enough to its intended audience to make it into a slogan.
87 posted on
04/03/2008 9:04:21 AM PDT by
Mr. Jeeves
("Wise men don't need to debate; men who need to debate are not wise." -- Tao Te Ching)
To: Dane
Don’t you think that maybe Absolut is being stupid by creating that ad? Also, what about those Mexicans who know English? What would their opinions be on that?
169 posted on
04/03/2008 10:50:45 AM PDT by
Jacob Kell
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