Indeed. That the Democrats would not have foreseen this obvious and unavoidable consequence is very telling. Now, telling of what is the tricky part. It’s not that they are completely stupid - after all, election manipulation is something they do best. It has to be that the leadership was so convinced of her thighness’ ascendancy they did not look beyond the next 5 minutes.
In any event, the entire primary situation on both sides is a fiasco that has to be addressed. First get Iowa and their corn the hell out of national politics. Second, quit allowing NE rinos to be the major factor in the early GOP results - it has lethal consequences. Just take 5 randomly chosen geographically dispersed states at a time and hold 10 primaries. Very simple.
I agree. The “we get to go first FOREVER” entitlement mentality of the early primary states sickens me.
I think you’re right.
The first election cycle in your party's primary you vote in you get 1/2 a vote. Second consecutive one 3/4. All subsequent primaries you get 1 vote. If you miss a primary you go back to 1/2. This would discourage cross voting shenanigans and gives you a vested interest in your party.