As far as other activities, if I send my child to a private shcool which doesn't have a band, how did I get the right to send them to public school band practice. Isn't the extracurricular activity for children who attend that school?
The federal government does not require that all children be offered the chance to participate in bands. Some government schools open their doors to homeschoolers, some states say that homeschoolers may use certain facilities. I don’t care about bands, sports, or high school plays.
On the other hand, the government has made laws that all children who have disabilities be offered and provided with appropriate services and therapies. They have taken it on themselves to provide this and so, in many places, killed any private market. Until age 3, the child recieves services through one agency (I forget the name) and after 3 I believe goes through the government schools (again, there may be a transition organization between the two).
This is not a case of homeschoolers demanding special treatment, or something they are not otherwise entitled to. The federal government makes the rules, they are just trying to live with them.