As much as I’ve liked Rep. Hunter, he’s been part of the problem—not by his votes, but by continuing to keep his GOP RINO buddies in The White House, State Dept., Pentagon and everywhere else in the Fed. Govt. Had he left the GOP and run as an Indy con, he could really slam Bush and others who have sold our country out to the highest bidder.
When you lie down with dogs...Not that anything “RINO” has rubbed off on the good Congressman, but only that he has until this year been a big supporter of Bush and the neocons. He hasn’t been the firebrand Tancredo’s been. He hasn’t taken it to that degree. He’s a good old boy, a Republican thru and thru.
Too bad he didn’t bolt years ago...
Except that Hunter knows the threat China poses, the threat that Arabic nations pose, the threat illegal immigration poses, he’s against globalization, he recognizes the Second Amendment as being absolutely vital to this country, among many other things.
Well, he certainly wasn’t the firebrand that Tancredo was. But While Tancredo got lots of press in the last few years, Hunter was busy writing the Secure Fence Act, the 2005 Enforcement Only immigration bill, the bill to pardon Compean and Ramos, earmarking funds for the San Diego Border fence, getting the armor plate delivered to Iraq for the Humvees and other transports, authoring the Right to Life Act, writing the a bill to defund the North America Union activities, effectively fighting off the EPA control over military bases, fighting off the liberals trying to cut the defense budget, and sponsoring bills to kill the Most Favored Nation trade status with China, to kill off the mexican truckers invading US highways, to overturn politcial correctness in the military, to keep our military spooks from being under the direction of the new Director of Intelligence, to cut taxes in every conceivable arena, etc etc.
Other than that, he really sucked.
“Too bad he didnt bolt years ago...”
The same could be said of you....
Yes, having conservatives in the way of the McCains in Congress is disturbing to you I suppose.