Posted on 03/23/2008 8:47:15 AM PDT by jsk10
The new pastor at Barack Obamas church used his first Easter sermon on Sunday to compare controversial Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr. to Jesus death at the hands of the Romans.
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This is the video that got the McCain aide fired by McCain:
Now you know why the black community is great soil for radical Islam. It is preached in the pulpit...the hate America rhetoric and the elevation of such ppl as Louis Farrakan.
“The man says, “Get out of here
I’ll tear you limb from limb”
I said, “You know they refused Jesus, too”
He said, “You’re not Him
Get out of here before I break your bones
I ain’t your pop”
I decided to have him arrested
And I went looking for a cop....
They’re still looking for that building that’s advertising brotherhood - maybe it’s in Chicago?
We have wondered where on earth young blacks have been hearing all the hate they express on others; now we learn they are hearing it from their own Church pulpits.
I never knew this kind of garbage was being spread from black “churches”. It is unbelievable.
It seems Wright has more in common with Jim Jones to me, as does Barak, based on his foreign policy.
Thanks, that was awesome.
The “BC” & islamos are also perfect together because they wont take responsibility for their problems. Blame whitey/infidel instead of cleaning up their neighborhood.
If this is what the new pastor believe’s be it. The people will decide and evidently, this is the type of preacher they want. Tells something about the congregation.
quite right but when I was a boy black churches did not preach such vitriol
so much for progress, it’s worse now than when they were actually discriminated against
“... Wright speaking 12:00-2:00 today, you can watch it live from their website.”
No doubt from an undisclosed location.
I think Obama's type thrives on the seething chaos.
He should try it and find out. Give back what you get and defend it. Stop running away.
I was the first to post that video on FR the morning of Nobama’s Philly speech. That McLame should fire one of his own over this makes me dislike him even more.
On a couple of the talking (shouting) head shows, someone supporting Wright said he was a prophet, and that prophets preach like Wright does. Adding it all up, it appears to me that we have the devil in pastor’s clothing, preaching all manner of sins from the pulpit. Might as well call themselves the Church of Satan as far as I’m concerned. Pure evil.
Additional nugget:
“Church officials said Wright . . . was not attending any service Sunday. Obama and his family were spending Easter on vacation and also were not attending services.”
It’s Easter Sunday, and none of these holy messiahs are going to church, because they’re on vacation?
McMamiac only fights with Republicans.
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