Posted on 03/23/2008 8:40:13 AM PDT by zeestephen
RAMALLAH, West Bank - A Mideast peace agreement will require "painful concessions" by Israelis and Palestinians who must work together to defeat those "committed to violence," Vice President Dick Cheney said Sunday.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
AP also states, " battling Hamas militants who have taken charge of the Gaza Strip from Abbas-allied forces and have bombarded southern Israel with rockets."
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Hamas win control of Gaza AFTER the peace loving Palestinians crushed the "moderate" Abbas in a free and open election?
So, the final foreign policy triumph of the Bush Administration is to send Secretary of State Rice, and then Vice President Cheney, to the Middle East, where they both beg OPEC to pump more oil, and beg Palestinian terrorists to stop killing Israelis, and demand that Israel, our only reliable ally in the entire world, sign a suicidal peace treaty with Muslim fanatics.
So, the final foreign policy triumph of the Bush Administration is to send Secretary of State Rice, and then Vice President Cheney, to the Middle East, where they both beg OPEC to pump more oil, and beg Palestinian terrorists to stop killing Israelis, and demand that Israel, our only reliable ally in the entire world, sign a suicidal peace treaty with Muslim fanatics
In Bush-bot speak, what the heck is wrong with that? You just hate Bush, that’s what you problem is!
The terrorists don't want peace. “Peace” on these terms is just a military victory for terror without a battle being fought.
True. Don’t you recall the Palestinians dancing in the streets after 9-11?
They do not want peace. They want the whole country.
Land for peace worked out so well with Gaza, eh?
A Palestinian state = terror state.
True statement. Look at the past years. Where has all the talking gone? No where. Israel has got to either go on the offense or resign itself that it will be doing this for rest of their lives. If the Palestinians didn’t live where they do now, where would they go.............nobody else wants them. The Palestinians are being used by the rest of the Middle East to harrass Israel.
Israel is our only reliable ally in the entire world because we are paying them a steady salary to do so.
It would be “painful” for Palestinians to give up killing Jews and wanting to destroy Israel.
Of course, they don’t plan to do that so why do we continue to live in the mythological world of the “peace process.”
B4 - Thanks - Saw the “your” mistake the second it went up - We had the same 3rd Grade teacher, I think - Unfortunately, the “Preview” page doesn’t show the headline, and no way to edit, so this error must stand for eternity.
It is all BS politicking at this point. Things are finished for the Bush administration as far as this situation is concerned. Thank God.
I don't care for U.S. leaders who make statements to curry favor in the Middle-East at the expense of the Israelis. And IMO, that is precisely what this statement qualifies as.
We are one of Israel's staunchest allies, because... Israel has no other allies dedicated to it's survival. That being the case, no nations other than the U.S. advocate for it globally.
When we as an ally of Israel come out against it, sans Israel will have to make painful concessions, who sides with Israel and says no it won't have to? Nobody, that's who.
These statements by the U.S. leadership are nothing more or less than a betrayal of Israel. It gives hope to the terrorists. It causes other nations to think, "Wow! Even the U.S. doesn't agree with protectionist Israelis."
We put our full support behind the likes of ElMort, to the utter destruction of the state itself. Thousands of missiles rain down on Iraeli soil and the best we can come up with, is both sides must make painful concessions.
The only painful concession I have heard demanded from the Palestinians is a ceasation of violence, and even that demand is seldom voiced. Instead it is acted as if both sides are equals, Israel and the Palestinians both made of the same cloth, but needing to give in on a few points. That perception is a bald faced lie.
Israel has never demanded the utter destruction of the Palestinians or refused to recognize a Palestinian state if the Palestinians would live in peace. Can that be said of the Palestinians as it applies to Israel? No.
These are not two equal states. One is a terrorist entity, backed by the overwhelming majority of the Gaza populace.
It saddens me when I see Bush, Rice or Cheney make comments about Israel's concessions, while failing to mention the thousands of missile raining down on it. What nation in it's right mind would put up with what Israel has? And yet, who do we scold?
There are days when I am supremely embarassed by our leadership.
High Volume. Articles on Israel can also be found by clicking on the Topic or Keyword Israel. or WOT [War on Terror]
Israel is our only reliable ally in the entire world because we are paying them a steady salary to do so.
au contraire.....the US does NOT pay them....they guarentee Israel loans ~ which have ALWAYS been paid back on time and with interest....
not like the excesses of US Tax dollars that have been pissed away and GIVEN to the f’n pali muzzie terrorists by jorge bush and clueless condi with NO expectation of ever getting back one dime let alone paving some “road map” to peace!!!!!
It seems like every President attempts to shore up their legacy by trying to get Israel to commit suicide. I wonder if the Israelis are tired of it yet.
They should really tell us to Eff-Off about such things.
Instead of the Administration begging OPEC to pump more oil, how about lashing out at Congress (especially the mean greenies) for prohibiting us from drilling for and refining more oil in the US and off shore? Wasn’t that part of Bush’s platform in both ‘00 and ‘04 - increasing energy independence?
If the people of Seattle were being constantly bombarded and killed by missiles, suicide bombers and armed terrorists from Vancouver, B.C., or if the people of Detroit were being constantly attacked in like manner from Windsor, Ontario, and the Canadian government either was unable or unwilling to put a stop to it, what would President Bush do?
He and Condi Rice need to have this question put to them publicly and directly. And, if he refused to do his Constitutional duty and do whatever it took to protect the citizens of this country, he should be impeached and removed from office.
However, his record does not give any indication that President Bush would do the right thing, since 25,000 Americans are already dying each year from "attacks" which, though less sensational and direct in form than missiles and bombs, are still just as fatal to their victims, by illegal invaders across our own borders.
There are days when I am supremely embarassed by our leadership.
Well, try to enjoy it as long as you can, because beyond embarrassment comes anger, and eventually, fear...
Your questions and comments are right on target IMO.
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