“Broken marriages account for a lot of it”
You hit the nail right on the head! I keep looking around at the people who are divorced, and one or the other is usually in dire circumstances, even though they have jobs. Everyone suffers; the children, the adults, and even the grandparents!
It is among the greatest economic catastophes and delusions we’ve ever created. “No-Fault” divorce laws are second only to abortion-on-demand rulings in our ongoing cultural meltdown. Aside from the obvious moral decay, we have accompanying economic and financial consequences which few are willing to acknowledge. Part of the reason we won’t do anything about illegals is that many are paying in to Social Security through withholding (even if it’s on a phony number) and it’s helping to replace the contributions of 40 million Americans who weren’t allowed to be born because of Roe v. Wade.