"Please note that this does NOT apply to McCain/Hagee, because Hagee is not McCain's pastor, making it a case of a Right Wing hate monger endorsing a senile Right Wing nut, and the nut accepting the endorsement, without benefit of a pulpit between them," she added.
Just to clear up a few misconceptions in this thread:
1) If you watched the video, you would see that she was specifically talking about McCain/Hagee when she said, “I don’t believe that a pastor’s words should hurt a candidate....we believe in separation of church and state in this country.”
2) I’m not quite sure that she was as offended that Matthews hadn’t read her piece as some people around here think she was. She seemed a bit surprised (and, frankly, that makes sense: if Matthews is going to bring Solomon on to talk about her article, he should have at least had someone else read the article and brief him on it, not because it’s the NY Times, but because he was bringing her on his show to talk about the subject matter of her article)
3) Solomon is not exactly a NY Times reporter. She has a recurring column in the NY Times Magazine, which is something of a separate publication, an which has a separate editorial board from the NY Times itself