We should impeach every public office holder who has ever had an extramarital affair.
There probably wouldn’t be one left!
Well what do we do with the other half ?
Well, honestly, while the government would cease to function probably for months as we were trying to replace the sizeable percentage, it’d be a great new start.
Ahhh... one can dream.
Lets see.. how many of the founding fathers, and great presidents would have been unfit to serve by that standard?
If they used campaign or state funds to conduct the affair then yes, we should. It appears that the new Gov might have done just that.
Should we toss out the once drunk to often (now POTUS) and showed up so at his kids birth at the Hospital too?
Life is not black and white.
There are moral sins and consequences and then there are/and civil criminal moral corruption that has it’s penalties.
He who hath not sin (here posting and judging) cast the fist run for the next open office.