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The Great Global Warming Hoax? ^
Posted on 03/16/2008 6:54:28 PM PDT by ventanax5
1. The "Greenhouse Effect" is a natural and valuable phenomenon, without which, the planet would be uninhabitable. 2. Global Warming, at least in recent times, is real.
3. CO2 is not a significant greenhouse gas; 95% of the contribution is due to Water Vapor.
4. Man's contribution to Greenhouse Gasses is relatively insignificant. We didn't cause the recent Global Warming and we cannot stop it.
5. Solar Activity appears to be the principal driver for Climate Change.
6. CO2 is a useful trace gas in the atmosphere, and the planet would actually benefit by having more, not less of it, because it is not a driver for Global Warming and would enrich our vegetation, yielding better crops to feed the expanding population.
7. CO2 is not causing global warming, in fact, CO2 is lagging temperature change in all reliable datasets. The cart is not pulling the donkey.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Culture/Society; News/Current Events; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: globalwarming; hoax
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posted on
03/16/2008 6:54:28 PM PDT
To: ventanax5; MurryMom
The Great Global Warming Hoax?It's time to sue Algore. (How much is he worth now - $100 million?)
posted on
03/16/2008 6:57:10 PM PDT
(March is Liberal Awareness Month.)
To: ventanax5
Could somebody please tell John McCain?
posted on
03/16/2008 7:00:27 PM PDT
(Drill in the Gulf of Mexico/Anwar & we can join OPEC!!! || Write in Thomas Sowell for President.)
To: ventanax5; SierraWasp; Grampa Dave; Ernest_at_the_Beach
Whom is the keeper of the GW list and data base
To: ventanax5
posted on
03/16/2008 7:02:33 PM PDT
God luvs America
(When the silent majority speaks the earth trembles!)
To: ventanax5
More like scam than hoax!!!
posted on
03/16/2008 7:06:18 PM PDT
Leo Carpathian
To: ventanax5
Lots of information here!
Marking for later!
To: ventanax5
“The Great Global Warming Hoax?”
Too bad about that question mark.
posted on
03/16/2008 7:13:37 PM PDT
To: ventanax5
The source is from Vermont, how about that.
posted on
03/16/2008 7:15:27 PM PDT
Straight Vermonter
(Posting from deep behind the Maple Curtain)
To: Libloather
we need a Nobel do-over, too
posted on
03/16/2008 7:18:57 PM PDT
To: ventanax5
No one has yet convinced me that even #2 is true. Since 1998, we’ve been cooling.
I am tired of conceding that point. It’s pointless.
posted on
03/16/2008 7:26:21 PM PDT
(Diversity is great...(until it happens to YOU).)
To: ventanax5
Wow, so the fact that the recent polar caps melting on MARS was NOT caused by me driving my gas guzzling SUV creating Global Warming by spitting out tons of CO2 in the atmosphere, by was actually caused by increased solar activity by the SUN??
Phew, thats a relief!
/sarcasm off!!!
posted on
03/16/2008 7:28:21 PM PDT
(I'm not afraid of calling his full name: Obama's full name is BARAK HUSSIEN OBAMA!!)
To: ventanax5
It's a very lengthy article which I surely will read in its entirety, later.
But, caught this...
"They also have a right to spin the news any direction they choose, because that's what freedom of the press is all about."
which I believe to be completely wrong-headed thinking.
Freedom of the press does not give the press people the right to spin the new or information. That's a job for editor, non-news commentators, or politicians. A reporter doesn't have the right to spin or change the news, and he doesn't have the right to reject information which can run counter to other news or information.
posted on
03/16/2008 7:33:39 PM PDT
To: ventanax5; All
The reason, in my opinion, that global warming alarmists are winning their propaganda war is because the scientific method is either no longer being taught, or no longer being properly taught. In other words, people do not understand the importance of substantiating scientific facts with the consistent results of repeatable, scientific-method based experimentation. As a consequence, global warming alarmists have been able to use courtroom theatrics to sell their politically correct ideas based on inconclusive evidence to the jury, thats people like you and me.
To: adorno
Freedom of the press does not give the press people the right to spin the new or information Heh. On my home page you will see the following:
freedom of the press does not mean freedom from the truth |
posted on
03/16/2008 7:38:59 PM PDT
(I will vote for McCain if he resigns his Senate seat before this election.)
To: Libloather; Sunnyflorida; tubebender; God luvs America; Leo Carpathian; southernerwithanattitude; ..
Make sure you read the whole article at the link, send it to your friends, and save a copy to your PC. It is one of the best Warmist debunking articles I've ever seen -- and even the science/math portions of it are quite readable for the average person.
posted on
03/16/2008 7:41:18 PM PDT
(Rat mantra: "Facts are meaningless! You can use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true!")
To: Amendment10
“he reason, in my opinion, that global warming alarmists are winning their propaganda war is because the scientific method is either no longer being taught..”
No. The reason is that scientists have been bought off by research grants from pro-GW government and private institutions. If scientists don’t chant the GW mantra and support the “consensus” drivel they lose funding and have their standing in the scientific community threatened!
posted on
03/16/2008 8:02:52 PM PDT
To: ventanax5
posted on
03/16/2008 8:12:58 PM PDT
(Warning! This Is A Subliminal Tagline! Read it at your own risk!(Presented by TagLines R US))
To: ventanax5
posted on
03/16/2008 8:18:23 PM PDT
Bob Eimiller
(appeasement "it's the idea that if you feed the alligator he will eat you last." Winston Churchill)
To: rdl6989; TenthAmendmentChampion; Horusra; Normandy; Delacon; CygnusXI; Fiddlstix; ...
Global Warming Scam News & Views
The Best Global Warming Videos on the Internet
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