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Y’all are probably already in one of the other ping lists above, but just in case you aren’t, ping. (I’m too lazy to check!)
Bumped (the ping list.) 8<)
PS. Thanks for letting us know.
Thank you for the ping! The denial that some say, most on the left, that Saddam had no ties to terrorism/Al Qaeda is disgusting. We know he did. Thank you for your post and the fine hard work of Stephen Hayes.
From the article.
“What’s happening here is obvious. Military historians and terrorism analysts are engaged in a good faith effort to review the captured documents from the Iraqi regime and provide a dispassionate, fact-based examination of Saddam Hussein’s long support of jihadist terrorism. Most reporters don’t care. They are trapped in a world where the Bush administration lied to the country about an Iraq-al Qaeda connection, and no amount of evidence to the contrary—not even the words of the fallen Iraqi regime itself—can convince them to reexamine their mistaken assumptions.”
I remember the controversy regarding the leaks about this report and the fact that the Pentagon was dragging their feet on the release, but then it died out. All we got were bits and and pieces of the report and it was difficult to piece together the full picture.
John McCain should be asked about this report. I’ll bet that his reaction will not be as meek as President Bush’s.
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I really appreciate the ping! Until someone shows me an aerial view of a Salman Pak in Egypt or Afghanistan I will remain convinced Saddam trained perhaps tens of thousands of Jihad Johnnies to wage terrorist war, some of whom flew planes into two buildings in New York and one in Washington, DC. I am also convinced that the dnc and leftist media would not believe it even if the names of all 20 highjackers showed up on cafeteria rolls and paymaster stubs found in Salman Pak. The democrap party and their sycophancy in media ARE the internal enemy of the Republic. Witness how they fawn over a radical racist who speaks out of both sides of his racist mouth. Watch as the dnc goon squad spreads out this weekend to fabricate excuses for why the racial hatred and anti-american preaching of Obamas pastor of 20 years should be ignored in order to prevent transference of rational connection to Barry HUSSEIN Obama.
Thanks for the ping!
In slightly related news, Chemical Ali is supposed do the Big Swing here soon...
Thanks for the ping.