So if the bishops of the church refuse communion to politicians who support legalize abortion, shouldn't they also do the same to politicians who support legalized contraception? Never mind the rank-and-file Catholics who practice it? And what about politicians who support legalized divorce?
I do not see the moral equivalence between abortion and contraception.
That prioritization (by the RCC) also has long been hard for me to understand. Putting “wearing a rubber” in the same category as pushing lethal drugs or abortions?
I’m not disparaging that the RCC genuinely reads God’s word that way. I just ... wow.
Won't be many people left in the pews, they do that.
(If only...)
"...shouldn't they also do the same to politicians who support legalized contraception? Never mind the rank-and-file Catholics who practice it? And what about politicians who support legalized divorce?"
Advocacy of, funding of, or action as an accomplice to any serious sin, is a sin in itself and if one is conscious of this, he ought not to come foreward to receive the Blessed Sacrament until he has repented and confessed.
If he has done this in a repeated, public, unrepentant way, even after a pastoral warning, it constitutes public scandal, and his Bishop would have to consider Canon 15:
"Can. 915 Those upon whom the penalty of excommunication or interdict has been imposed or declared, and others who obstinately persist in manifest grave sin, are not to be admitted to Holy Communion."
There's a pretty good analysis of Canon 915 here --- if you're actually interested in the issues involved.