God knows what kind of garbage is served in fast food eateries.
No one is forcing you or anyone to buy or eat at any restaurant. If you all believe the liberal media histeria even though none of you including me have ever had a problem then grow your own food, buy organic, or get a garden or farm. Meanwhile I’ll keep shopping at Wal-Mart and those jerks in congress keep writing laws to grow the government and so they can cripple and crack down on and business and citizens.
I once went to a restaurant that had fresh shrimp on the menu. Ordered the shrimp and one bite told me that they had been frozen. I called the manager to come over and asked him to explain why they were serving frozen shrimp when the menu said they used only fresh shrimp. He said, well, those were fresh shrimp when they were frozen, so they were still fresh when they were unfrozen and cooked. I think my next words were something like “Have you always been a complete idiot or do you just think your customers are idiots?”
If the seafood isn’t fresh, it most likely comes from somewhere in asia and I won’t eat it.