Your post makes no sense to me. How could you say you “don’t agree with all of his theology” but believe he is preaching the “unaltered Word of God”? Seems to me if he was preaching the “unaltered Word of God” then you would agree completely with his theology since his theology would be derived from the “unaltered Word of God”. If some of his theology is wrong (since you state you don’t agree with parts of it), then parts of his preaching would have to alter the Word of God or be against it.
Yes, I didn’t clarify myself. In Evangelicalism we talk about the Gospel and basic tenants of faith as nonnegotiable. Other peripheral issues such as the exact interpretation of eschatology, the security of the believer, the granting of ecstatic gifts, etc, as peripheral and given to much debate amonst the many denominations. On the core issues I believe Rev. Hagee to be be faithful and his spiritual insights need to be heeded.