Posted on 02/17/2008 2:25:41 PM PST by LibWhacker
Seventy-one percent (71%) of the nations voters say they would be willing to vote for a woman for President. Seventeen percent (17%) say they would not and 11% are not sure.
Results are similar when asked about voting for an African-American73% are willing to cast such a vote, 14% are not, and 13% are not sure.
Seven percent (7%) of Democrats say they would not vote for a woman. Nine percent (9%) would not vote for an African-American.
Among political moderates, 12% say they would not vote for a woman. Fifteen percent (15%) would not vote for an African-American.
All of these numbers are undoubtedly influenced by the fact that a particular woman and a particular African-American are in the midst of an historic campaign that could land one of them in the White House next January (Rasmussen Markets data on Sunday morning shows that Barack Obama is given a 48% chance of being the next President. Expectations for Hillary Clinton are at 19%). In the race for the Democratic Presidential Nomination, Obama has overwhelmingly won the support of African-American voters while Clinton has been strongly favored by women.
While the overwhelming majority of voters say they could vote for a woman or an African-American, just 56% believe their family, friends, and co-workers would be willing to do the same. Among senior citizens, just 41% believe their peers would be willing to vote for a woman. Forty percent (40%) believe their peers would be willing to vote for an African-American.
These results are broadly consistent with the findings of earlier surveys.
Give people complete anonymity and this is probably pretty close to how the survey would've turned out as well.
I don’t see a choice on those willing to vote for a white man. I sense that is also not 100 percent.
This is such a dumb survey. One might be surprise who one will vote for given the opposition.
Well, I am not willing to vote for either of the two offered this time around - and race and sex have nothing to do with it.
I am not stuck on stupid!
Harlem's 94th had a 141-0 sweep for Hillary Clinton.
Obama did not get even a single (1) vote.
What do you wanna bet that many of the poll takers (I assume this poll was done via the phone) were black women? Gimme a break....
This sort of second guessing is common in opinion polls.
I thought Ramussen was kind of lame, but by engaging in this kind of race-based polling, I am thinking he is dangerous and lame.
If more than 1 out of 4 are saying they would never vote for a Black Guy, we just helped Sharpon-Jackson-Bonds open new franchises.
Those guys can’t get over the fact they are fighting ghosts. However, these kind of resuls sure seem to favor their claim that mission is far from accomplished.
I’d vote for either, but not for the 2 presented so far.
Oh,.. I get it!
Facts might kill the story.
I’m willing to vote for a woman or a Black, if he or she stands for low taxes, a strong defense, a secure border and does not believe in a all-controlling nanny state.
Unfortunately, neither Clinton or Obama meets my specifications.
Suggestion for Rasmussen: Would you vote for a Martian if he/she/it were running against Hillary?
So what does that give McCain? 25%?
Wait until they start in Philadelphia.
There will be districts with over 100% voting hillary.
All perfectly normal, I’m sure ...
Couldn't care less about color, sex, or religion, as long as they can win and conservative policy is the end result.
Be aware of the Bradley effect. Bradley, a black man, was ahead in L.A. by 10%+ two weeks before the election according to the polls - yet, he lost by 10%+. I hate to say it but people lie when they get a cold call asking their opinions - they do not know if someone is just trying to pry information out of them - the vote is what counts, not the poll or even the exit poll.
Neither Thomas Sowell nor Margaret Thatcher are running, so I’ll be voting for a white male candidate.
You can count me amount the majorities of both groups, but I wouldn’t support a leftist regardless of the demographic.
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