Spare me your tears. The CIA, not our military waterboarded a total of four islamic dirtbags. It wouldn't bother me if they did it to hundreds. IMHO, US citizens gave up their citizenship rights when they fought as irregulars, ie non-uniformed combatants for a foreign power.
According to the Military Commissions Act of 2006,
you, I or any other citizen the President deems as a “threat” can be detained indefinetly, subjected to “severe interogation techniques” and without any recourse to a civil court. This isn’t about islamo dirtbags. This is about giving the executive branch inappropriate powers and erasing our rights. So if and when a President Hitlerly takes power, don’t say you weren’t warned.
If the GOP was serious about preserving constitutional rights and smaller govt, they would have told Bush to amend the bill to protect US CITIZENS or no dice. They didn’t hence why the author of the above article is on spot.