Sounds like the Denver PD will be busy with riot control duties in August.
I had a most disturbing dream the other night, I dreamed that the ‘Rat convention (end of August) did indeed slam the door on Obama, and Hiliarly ended up as the nominee with Bill Richardson as her VP candidate (pandering for that Hispanic vote).
Then, I had this vision of John McCain at the Republican Convention, winning the nomination the very next week (September 1st to the 4th) and announcing that Senator Obama was changing his affiliation to the GOP, and he had accepted McCain’s invitation to join the ticket as his running mate.
McCain/Obama ‘08.
Me scared. Somebody hold me please. LOL
I’m rooting for Hillary.
Obama is more suited to be POTUS of Sweden.
Al Sharpton is gonna bite you, Hilly.
The Clintons will decide the nomination. The superdelegates will be an important part of the methods used.
Looks like the media have stolen the language here. "Super" means they represent 1300 citizen votes, as a freeper has pointed out. "Automatic" makes it sound incontestable. How about "unpledged," to go with "pledged"?
For some strange reason I hope they try. I haven’t seen a good blood and guts movie in years. I am anticipating the total destruction on these two Clintons. Bill will go down with her.
For some strange reason I hope they try. I haven’t seen a good blood and guts movie in years. I am anticipating the total destruction of these two Clintons. Bill will go down with her.
Top Clinton Adviser Says Superdelegates Will Decide
Very very doubtful unless the Dems have a death wish.
I don’t see upset or disappointed blacks grumbling. I see full scale violence and a complete loss of black support for decades to come.
Top Clinton Adviser Says Superdelegates Will Decide
Every day I read these articles about Clinton’s strategy to force superdelegates and take legal action to gain Florida and Michigan delegates and every day I seem to be happier than I have been in years. Every single day I wake with a smile and retire with a smile. Happy Happy Happy
I never thought I’d ever be able to watch a witch destroy herself.
LOTS more popcorn...
Hillary to voters: Drop dead!
This whole election is getting curiouser and curiouser.