Maybe they are following the trajectory of the nation?
"The pattern is obvious. We keep voting for the lesser of two evils"
No. Sometimes, like in 1992, some people decide *not* to do that to 'send a message' and - hey, presto - we get the GREATER of two evils for a time.
Yes, we screwed up letting McCain be the nominee. "We"="conservative primary voters". We needed to find one, good conservative leader ... and we didnt have one. I thought it was Romney, some thought it was Thompson. Now some are peddling Huck (I dont buy it).
But I do know this ... if they were clearly superior enough out shine all the rest, wouldn't they have been good enough to win against McCain?
"We keep voting for the lesser of two evils and our version of the evil becomes more evil every election. The only way to break the cycle is to STOP SUPPORTING THEM."
I don't see it that way. Conservatives will have to rebuild the farm team, but a loss to an ultra-liberal will shift the political center so MASSIVELY to the left, that we will be cast adrift. We are better off getting a RINO elected and then becoming the 'loyal opposition' that - LIKE WE DID SUCCSESSFULLY ON AMNESTY AND MIERS - stands up against McCain when he does us wrong.
With Obama, we will be fighting him every single hour of every single day on every single issue. And we will lose, because he opposes everything we stand for.
If McCain wins, it will be seen as confirmation that you can be a maverick, thumb your nose at your party and the conservatives, and still get elected. McCain will then move the party further to the Left. McCain will also view his election as a mandate to pass amnesty.
If McCain loses, he will blame it on the conservatives. The party will be split and it will take a long time to heal the wounds. All things considered, it is better that he loses than conservatives compromise their principles once again.
If Obama is the candidate, McCain will be trounced no matter what Conservatives do.