Posted on 02/06/2008 9:11:20 PM PST by neverdem
AUSTIN, Minn. If you have to come down with a strange disease, this town of 23,000 on the wide-open prairie in southeastern Minnesota is a pretty good place to be. The Mayo Clinic, famous for diagnosing exotic ailments, owns the local medical center and shares some staff with it. Mayo itself is just 40 miles east in Rochester. And when it comes to investigating mysterious outbreaks, Minnesota has one of the strongest health departments and best-equipped laboratories in the country.
And the disease that confronted doctors at the Austin Medical Center here last fall was strange indeed. Three patients had the same highly unusual set of symptoms: fatigue, pain, weakness, numbness and tingling in the legs and feet.
The patients had something else in common, too: all worked at Quality Pork Processors, a local meatpacking plant.
The disorder seemed to involve nerve damage, but doctors had no idea what was causing it.
At the plant, nurses in the medical department had also begun to notice the same ominous pattern. The three workers had complained to them of heavy legs, and the nurses had urged them to see doctors. The nurses knew of a fourth case, too, and they feared that more workers would get sick, that a serious disease might be spreading through the plant.
We put our heads together and said, Something is out of sorts, said Carole Bower, the department head.
Austins biggest employer is Hormel Foods, maker of Spam, bacon and other processed meats (Austin even has a Spam museum). Quality Pork Processors, which backs onto the Hormel property, kills and butchers 19,000 hogs a day and sends most of them to Hormel. The complex, emitting clouds of steam and a distinctive scent, is easy to find from just about anywhere in town...
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
That was fascinating.
Spam sandwiches are best if the Spam is sliced into very thin slices and piled onto the bread with potato chips. The chips go on the sandwich not with it. Adds a little crunch. Mmmmm good.
Thanks for the info. Thanks for the ping.
The article is about pork causing a neurological disease. I posted links that suggest that the consumption of pork causes a neurological disease. I also posted scripture that shows that the creator God specified that pork shouldn't be eaten or dead swine carcasses shouldn't be touched.
I don't think it is a coincidence that many nations that avoid pork, are the ones who are the poorest and least advanced.
I'm not sure what you're suggesting. Pork eaters are rich and advanced?
“Spam,eggs,and Spam. Spam,Spam,sausage,and Spam.
Spam,Spam,Spam,Bacon and Spam. Spam,Spam,Spam,Spam,
Even if that is a job that no American would or should do, the alien that gets that job should apply for it, come alone, be sponsored for all health care and any other benefits by the employer only, and should go back home the instant that his work for the plant is over.
thanks. i’ll have to try that. it’s just the thought of meat in a can that gets me.
If the charge, that MS is connected to the consumption of pork, then there would be no Orthodox Jews with MS.
Unfortunately there are Jews who have that disease. If you watch the FOX NEWS Channel, Dr. Krauthammer, a conservative commentator, is an Orthodox Jew who has MS.
Krauthammer was paralyzed in a serious diving accident.
“Quality Pork Processors, which backs onto the Hormel property, kills and butchers 19,000 hogs a day “
Mad swine disease?
Do you recall where you read or heard that about Charles Krauthammer?
Mad swine disease?
Are you talking about Farrakhan (Mad Swine) and his magic number 19?
Bookmarked to read sometime when I’m NOT eating...
FWIW, Wikipedia has that direct quote about Krauthammer. I realize that Wikipedia may be suspect.
I read an article in a national publication about him which stated he has MS. Can’t recall right now exactly which publication it was, but your statement about a “diving accident” doesn’t ring a bell.
Some news articles are best left for afternoon reading, not right before breakfast........
I think eating the brains of humans is also bad for...
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