I certainly wouldn’t posit that Huck’s conservatism was as pure as the wind-driven snow, but have you taken a serious look at the other guys? Romney-care and McCap’n’trade don’t strike me as particularly conservative policy directions.
At bare minimum I know Huck will always be rock-solid pro-life and pro-2nd amendment, which is more than I can say for the other two.
You do know that cap and trade is a conservative policy for reducing all kinds of other pollution, right? The liberal position was always to just stick a big tax on everything.
The other possibility would be to set property rights for air so that if someone significantly pollutes the airspace that you own, you could sue or charge a fee. But that’s just an idea and nobody has really explained how that could actually work.
Huckabee Backs Mandatory U.S. Cap on Global-Warming Pollution
Two peas in a pod.