Why? Why dont you just stay home on election day? If your going to write in a name of a person that is not running for president, then you are not taking it serious. People that write in Fred (whom I supported and sent money to) or Savage, or Hunter or Mickey Mouse or anyone else that is not running for President is making a mockery of a right that many good men died for you to have.
Vote for a CANDIDATE, not for people you like but are not running for President!
I get so frustrated at people that "Perot" their votes to put Democrats into office. Your vote affects me, my family, and my Country. Please take it serious, its not a game.
it will only help al qaeda and Iran and destroy everyone’s life savings and futures if hillary or obama somehow wins. You can’t just fix that after 4 years
And when there is only one candidate running, just different cloths?
If it were Paul vs. Clinton, whom would you vote for?