It's been hard to miss since the early 90's, when they first hit the national scene. But that has never stopped dems from supporting them. Nor will it stop Obama from doing whatever is necessary to acquire power. If that means being her VP and pretending she's the greatest show on earth, he'll do it (Gore did it with Clinton and Lieberman did it with Gore).
So if Obama thinks HRC will be president, he's her VP if she'll have him. That makes him the nominee in 2016 and he's a young man. OTOH, if he thinks she's going down in flames in the general election and he can pick up the pieces in 2012, he won't. Or he may decide that he can take her down by not being her VP. Then 2012 is open for him again. The decision ain't going to be on principle. Or, more correctly, pursuit of power is a principle for Obama and HRC.
Your mistake is thinking that Obama is somehow different. Both he and HRC are disciples of Saul Alinsky. To such folks, power is an end in itself. You do and say anything to get it. HRC's problem is she has run into someone as ruthless as she is in a much slicker package. Obama is just as slick as Bill when the dems swooned over him in 1992.
Bottom line, being ruthless while convincing a bunch of democrats that you represent "hope" is not all that hard if you get the packaging right. Al "big footprint" Gore runs around pretending he is green and dems buy it. John "two americas" Edwards goes around pretending he is a populist from a 10,000 square foot home and noone calls him. John "ready for duty" Kerry actually convinced dems he had a military record worthy of respect.
It's just not that hard to snow dems (who run on pixie dust anyway) and Obama is a worthy successor to the best of his snow job predecessors.
>>>>>>So if Obama thinks HRC will be president, he’s her VP if she’ll have him.
That would prove him to be an impossibly stupid man.
And it would prove the Clintons to be uncharacteristically generous, trusting, and magnanimous people.
Q.E.D. Occam’s Razor.
Not happening.