Strange days, when I find myself in agreement with William Greider...
You know people by their enemies. Nation readers are basically communists. The fact that they hate Hillary so virulently tells me that she is the most right-wing presidential candidate in the Democratic Party. Their vigorous defense of Obama tells me that he is the most left-wing person in the race.
A surprising article from The Nation. I loved the “her 135 years in government” crack.
Let’s start saying instead of “Bill Clinton” use/replace with “the disgraced ex-president Bill Clinton.
None of them can be trusted. It seems the Dems have, at last, reaped what they have sown and gotten precisely what they deserve.
Here's a good one.
Its funny how the comments have devolved into how Bush lied, when the story is all about the Clintons and how everyone knows how much they lie. Keep your beady eyes on the ball folks! Well, if The Nation believes Bill is a big liar, how come they defended the slob for eight years? Its no use fighting this, Hillary is going to be the Dem nominee and poor Barack will join poor old John Kerry in permanent obscurity as a has-been politician who was crushed by the Clinton/Soros/Move-On/Center for Whatever/Podesta/Ickes/CNN/MSNBC machine. Barack is history, and is only getting a small taste of what Billary and pals have in store. When are we going to WAKE UP and move past the Clintons? Huh? Also, Billary is preparing something BIG for the week before Super Tuesday that it will drop on Barack and that will be the story until the votes are cast - its in the works, friends. Count on it.ML/NJPosted by VOLKMEISTER 01/23/2008 @ 5:19pm
“I Love reading things like this” BUMP!