Nice post, but get ready for the “cop was sittin at a donut hole and shouldn’t have been there” brigade to go after you!
Never mind the fact that cops get lunch and work breaks also.
“HTF would you know? What if that officer had been given an emergency call but couldn’t take it because the woman refused to move forward? Would that make you feel better knowing a FRIGGIN ORDER OF FRIES might have cost someone their life?”
What if the sky was falling?? What ifs don’t carry very far. When cops start arresting on WHAT IFS then we are truly lost as a society. There was no emergency call, there was no other call. He wasted a couple hours on a completely useless arrest.
If his time was so valuable he should not have been in the drive thru in the first place. He probably wasn’t supposed to be which was why he was upset in the first place. Afraid he was gonna get in trouble.
Cops deserve to be treated with respect. So does everyone else. Cops are not elite uber citizens.