Not always! I work 65 plus hours a week because the work is here. Most of our employees work at least 50 hours a week and no one tells them they must work extra. We are a small company of highly dedicated, highly paid professionals.
Last year our little company earned over $450,000 per person. The employee bonuses were huge. Most bonuses equaled or exceeded the employees base salary.
My W2 tells me I am not a sucker and I am definitely not a slacker. We make more decisions and do more in one week than most any companies our size do in a month. I may be a workaholic, but at least I am a well compensated workaholic.
We are a highly motivated group and we do not have job descriptions, but we work our asses off. The best way to describe our company can be found in a book called Good to Great by Jim Collins.
Basically, if the company is run correctly the employees will determine the direction and success of the company. It comes down to hiring the right people in the first place, removing obstacles to accomplishment and treating them fairly.
So you’re workaholics. Which is fine if you want, but I prefer being home with the wife.