good lord.
Bloomberg and his band of merry idiots are morons. Of course morons put them in office.
Easy solution.
Have the same standards as with home burglar alarms.
If the alarm sounds, and it is false, the owner of the alarm must pay a few to cover the costs of the police/fire/EMS response.
City governments should not have the power to do these things.
It is fundamentally wrong bordering on totalitarianism.
This ought to cut down drastically on the number of harebrained ideas that are floated before lawmakers, and definitely cut down on the number that are passed into law.
Decent, sensible people spend far too much time and effort undoing the damage done by these idiots. Must be millions of laws on the books, many of them dumb ones like the one proposed by this Falkenrath character that only serve to limit our freedoms.
Don't like my idea? So bullwhip me. I'd risk it for a chance to get my law on the books. Actually, you couldn't since my law wouldn't be on the books yet, hahahaha!
As it should be in America
And if people use these detectors without a permit, Vallone asked, do we really have to put them in jail? Afraid so, Falkenrath answered.
"You can't rule honest men. Where's the profit for anyone in that? The only power Government has is to crack down on criminals. So when we runs out of real criminals, we create them. We're after power Mr. Reardon and we mean to have it. Once you understand that, you'll be much easier to deal with." Ayn Rand-Atlas Shrugged.
"When I was first given a briefing only weeks ago, the potential problems did occur to me," he said in a later interview. "But the extent of the opposition, on such short notice, was a bit surprising."
So Mr. Vallone you knew it was a bad law , and you still want to pass it ? lets just sneak it quickly through
but one way or another, the cops are going to have this new power..."but I think the police department gave some very impressive testimony on the stand, and also expressed a willingness to listen to concerns."
Don't Taze me Bro
I'm being sarcastic, but all too many people I meet on a daily basis are repeating all of this or part of it like a child in need. We are in a sad state.
I have used such devices many times in the course of a former career. They do require a little training to calibrate (the most important) and operate. So, if a citizen does get a reading, why don’t they just call the local EMA, who is already funded and trained, to verify. There is no need for LEOs to panic or even interpret.
Funny, I used to live in DC and in the basement was a CD shelter from the early 60s with just such a device. I still have it. Labeled Family Radiation Kit and they wanted you to have it then. Sigh.
We might not be living in “1984” yet, but the date seems to be 30 December, 1983! We are getting really close.