Sorry, but it doesn’t make sense to me.
I’m a conservative.
I’m not a republican. That means I can’t vote McCain given how many times he’s stabbed conservatives and conservatism in the back. I can’t vote McCain because of how much he’s pandered to the liberal media. And to top it all off he now lies and says he’s one of us. Maybe.... just maybe had he at least been willing to be honest I’d vote for him. But now, forget it. I’d vote karl marx before mccain.
And there’s only one way I could vote Huckabee, that being his Veep pick. He would have to make a *HUGE* step to show me that he’s not just some republican, that he actually has his stuff in gear.
If McCain is the choice, I’d rather have Jimmy Carter 2.0. 4 years of carter got us 8 years of reagan. It’s a clear logical choice given how liberal McCain is.
It would really hurt me to vote for Hillary. But I will do it instead of voting McCain. I believe fully that McCain would be our first mexican president. I’m hoping that Obama beats Hillary, I’d find that a lot easier because of what he’d do to the racist lobby.(the liberal media and sharpton’s of the world)
You can’t call a nation who has elected a black man racist. They’ll try. But they have a huge setback.
“I sincerely believe that we must come together to support McCain, mend the GOP and defeat the dimocrats.”
And I sincerely believe that if we support McCain and he wins in Nov., the GOP will continue to slide to the left, Congress will continue to pick up Dems, and we’ll go the way of Europe.
No thanks.