We have a chance to shape this election - and I agree with you. I feel that conservatives strengths and weakenesses are the same.
Their core values never change - that is their strength.
They fail to communcate those core values in a positive way. That is their weakness.
We expect our candidates to share all of our conservative beliefs 100% of the time. Since conservatives are not monolithic how can we expect the conservative candidates to be monolithic. When our candidate is not selected we tend to sit out the rest of the campaign season ensuring the liberals candidate will win.
We are against abortion - that is a given. Instead of spinning our wheels trying to make abortion illegal we should be spending our time making it illegal for physicians or anyone who helps with abortions charge for abortions. The pro abortionist should be willing to donate time, money and physicians to their cause. Roe V Wade did more than make abortions legal they took away the responsibility and the power of the male to help make decisions about the unborn child.
We need to fight like crazy for our candidate but when it is clear that the candidate is not going to win then we need to ensure the candidate selected has the most conservative values of all of the candidates and work as hard as we can to get that one elected.
It is clear to me that Romney out of the three remaining candidates has the best chance to win the primary and has the least amount of skeletons in his closet that Hilary can expose during the general election.
The other thing we need to be working on is balancing the exposing of Hilary’s true nature with ensuring the public knows the strengths of our candidate. We won’t win just by slamming Hilary.
Hilary tried to run against President Bush and found herself in alot of trouble. Mentioning President Bush 59 times in one debate only helped bring up his poll numbers and drive hers down.
This is one of the greatest myths of this election cycle. The MSM has not even started looking at Romney, let alone his closet.
Take 15 minutes to search youtube. You'll find more trash on Romney than Paris Hilton.
Does anyone bring up the fact that Romney is a Mormon Bishop? Wait until the MSM runs with that, we'll never hear the end of it! They'll make the whisper campaigns against Romney look like child's play.
We haven't heard anything about his leveraged buy-outs where hundreds of people lost their jobs.
The only argument I've heard for Romney (and it's a terrible one) is that the MSM doesn't like him, so he must be a conservative.
That is one of the worst arguments I've ever heard, but yet Coulter and Rush trumped it up as the single most important qualification for being the GOP nominee. Since the Old MSM has complete control over who it criticizes and who it doesn't, we've turned our selection process over to them. Especially since it's well know that Rush and the New MSM are using that as a guage. It wouldn't take much foresight for the Old MSM to criticize the candidate they want to get the nom.