No statins for me!
My doctor says I’m not getting enough deep-fried cheese sticks.
I had a major heart attack at the age of 51. I had had my annual physical exam three weeks before the attack. My cholesterol was normal and so was my blood pressure. I had never had a problem with either and was never on medication. I was not a smoker or much of a drinker. There was no history of heart disease in my family. I was maybe 10 pounds overweight at the most. Five years later, I am still on maintenance drugs but my cholesterol is normal. My doctor has me take 10mg Lipitor tablet and split in half each day. They say a small dose could be preventitive of another attack but I am not taking the statin for a cholesterol problem.
We all are individuals, and we all will have individual (different) results from a given drug.
My husbands doctor put him on statins years ago. It seemed every time a new one would come out his doctor would change to the new one and up his dosage. My husband got to where his legs are so weak that he can hardly get up. I told him a long time ago I thought the statins were the problem but he believed in his doctor. Now he is finally beginning to believe that may be the case. I don’t know if taking him off would reverse the effect some or not. I think it is to late.
My doctor told me that the best thing for lowering LDL was exercise, the aerobic kind like swimming.
I was also warned that many of the cholesterol lowering drugs that are meant for lowering LDL also lower HDL. They don’t work on just the bad.
A ring of kielbasa before bedtime works wonders on the cholesterol.
Cholestorol drugs are no good? What next? Gatorade causes cancer? Alar will kill your first born? Coffee causes heart attacks? Eggs will kill you but will prolong your life?
I lose track.