“Denied participation as equal members of the Muslim community”
You’re not equal you are musllim women. You are property.
Sorry, that just does not pass the smell test.
Qasira Shaheen, Robina Butt and Shugufta Iftikhar filed their complaint, dated Dec. 28, with the Canadian Human Rights Commission, saying they "were treated differently from men in the following manner: Abusive language uttered towards us; Not permitted to ask any questions; Denied participation as equal members of the Muslim community; Physically and verbally threatened; Made to sit in the back of the hall; Accused of disrupting and sabotaging the proceedings; Forced to vacate the premises; Followed-up by obscene and threatening phone calls and letters in the mail."Thanks GG.
It seems the answer to this is, first, to realize that (1) women do not have equal status with men in the Muslim religion; (2) Muslims have no religious hierarchy to control the imams and therefore no recourse inside the Muslim faith; and (3) the Canadian Human Rights Commission should not be involved in internal religious disputes and, second, to start your own mosque to teach the religion you want.
All religious communities need to realize the same thing. If they disagree with their pastor and there is no established hierarchy to which to appeal, it is time to branch out, not involve the government.
Turnabout, meet Fair Play...
To quote myself from the earlier dust-up over "human rights commissions?"
If you want to see what Islam is really like, see this:
-Islam, a Religion of Peace®? The Most Damning links...--
Use the links- read the comments- watch the videos.
I am the author of "Islam, a Religion of Peace®?" and I stand by everything I have ever posted about it-- it is a Death Cult, masquerading as a religion.
Islam hates women, the truth, and freedom. And free-thinking.
"Useful Dupes" on the Left have deluded themselves in to thinking that they can use Islam for their own purposes to demean, or destroy Western culture, and then discard it.
But they will be among the first to fall beneath the bloody scimitar, if their goals are realized.
Free Dominion's stake, and fight, in this matter affect us all.
A free, and self-governing country-- and I do not care whether you are talking about Canada, or us-- cannot coexist under the jackboot of Star Chambers and censorship.
They are utterly incompatible.
Stand up, and be counted now--
--or be silenced, forever and ever...
It seems islam itself cultures Islamic supremacists and predominantly male values!
Great! Now ladies there are ways to deal with men who would treat you disrespectfully and you know what they are. So in the words of the successful advertising campaign “Just Do It”.
From the Washington Times article:
“Mr. Butt called Mr. Soharwardy an example of a person who gives Muslims a bad name .....”
So, Mr. Butt doesn’t like another Muslim? These names and fanatical religious positions, once were considered beyond the limits of the bottom dwellers in the pulp fiction writers community.
Asimov was right - Muslims are stranger than we can think they are!
They are muslim women.
Since when do chattel have any rights (in a muslim community)?
In other words, they were treated as Muslim women rather than Canadian women. These women are very brave, because by doing this, they are probably putting themselves in danger of stoning or beheading or something equally vile. However, if Muslim women are to ever be treated humanely, someone has to start the protest somewhere, somehow.
I am noticing a lot of flippant comments on this thread, but the subhuman treatment of women in Muslim culture is something that has to be stopped. Every human is entitled to a measure of dignity.