I guess I'm a "path to citizenship guy" too, just like Fred. I think all illegals must be sent back to the countries they came from. If they then want to apply for citizenship, just like anyone else, and get in line behind all those who have already applied, I say go for it. As Fred said:
"Or you're going to have to, in some way, work out a deal where they can have some aspirations of citizenship, but not make it so easy that it's unfair to the people waiting in line and abiding by the law."
I don't have a problem with that.
I sure as hell do, especially when you tie it to his previous statements about not being able to deport them or drive them underground. In context, that seems to say that they will stay in place, in country.
it is also right in line with the mealy-mouthed generalizations by Bush and McCain- various vague semi-solutions that make amnesty *not* amnesty.