Photo Researchers
THREAT Some MRSA bacteria is resistant to drugs.
Duh! The 'R' in MRSA stands for resistant.
The next gay disease to be blamed on Republicans. Coming to your TV screens in 2010.
Five bucks says that before this thread is out some knucklehead will come in claiming this is God’s wrath poured out on mankind.
“....and touching contaminated surfaces.”
Door knobs? ATMs?
MMM. boils in a very nasty spot. Those who are, ahem, imunno suppressed from oh say HIV, are ah screwed.
MRSA, for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus is homophoblic
Man, oh man!
That’s gotta be a pain in the arse
Rah, rah, rah, zip boom bah!
From your above post:
“Nearly 19,000 people died in the United States from MRSA infections in 2005, the Centers for Disease Control and...”
Deadly Bacteria Found to Be More Common
“If the mortality estimates are correct, the number of deaths associated with the germ, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA, would exceed those attributed to H.I.V.-AIDS, Parkinsons disease, emphysema or homicide each year.”
But dont any of you dare to say that it is behaviorly avoidable!! You bigots.
Newsom’s fault...
” but also through casual skin-to-skin contact and touching contaminated surfaces”
This is a bad trend... Drug resistant bacteria can be blamed largely on our society’s obsession with using antibiotics for everything - including the ineffective treatment of colds that are the result of a virus... The bacteria that survive are immune, and their children inherit that immunity. And bacteria like to have children very, very frequently.
With more effective treatments for HIV, many HIV-positive gay men have decided “what the heck, it can’t get any worse” and engaged in unprotected sexual activities. The problem is - it CAN, and WILL, get worse. Viruses, like bacteria, can mutate. HIV is especially good at mutating.
So this “barebacking” phenomenon, where gay men will have unprotected sex since they feel they already have the “big one” out of the way, will inevitably produce ever more virulent and drug resistant critters which will go on to harass the rest of society.
Mike Huckabee crossed a line when he said AIDS patients should be quarantined, but these folks aren’t doing themselves any favors by making a bad situation even worse.
The Breck Girl is so nervous, he would bite his nails. But he just had them manicured.
Larry Craig’s sphincter just tightened a bit more...
Uh... yep. That' how they contract it.
Staph infections linked to 'manscaping' (body shaving) [The latest homosexual disease]
S.F. gay community an epicenter for new strain of virulent staph
New Strain of MRSA Spreads Among Gay Men
Drug-resistant staph found to be passed in gay sex
Flesh-Eating Bacteria Striking Gay Men - spread primarily through anal intercourse (MRSA USA300)
Epidemic Feared - Gays May Spread Deadly Staph Infection to General Population (MRSA USA300)
Superbug linked to homosexual behavior
New Strain of MRSA Spreads Among Gay Men
That way anyone who is HIV positive and then gets MRSA will become another AIDS victim. If you're not HIV postive, don't bother us, we only deal with true victims of AIDS.
If none of the above makes any sense to you, don't feel bad. I wrote it and it doesn't make any sense to me either.
Republicans keep resisting the passage of laws that would stop this kind of discrimination practiced by viruses and bacteria.