“America is asleep. No, not just asleep. In a coma.”
With the majority of American’s opposing illegal immigration and amnesty, it makes absolutely no sense that McCain is doing as well as he is. I’m not buying short memories either. The outrage over the McCain Kennedy Shamnesty Bill won’t be forgotten and no matter what McCain says, the bill wasn’t rejected simply because Americans wanted border security first (they did, but certainly NOT with amnesty to follow).
Something about McCain’s success just isn’t adding up. Is the bipartisan OBL controlling our media and polls? That would certainly explain the treatment of Hunter. I’ve become so cynical about this that I question whether or not the polling even happens as we assume it does....maybe they are a total farce...how would we ever know...does anyone check the validity and bias of the pollsters?
aggghhh I’m getting sick to death of politics.
I’m starting to feel like it is all a sham.
Hubby gets mad at me because I obsess over it so much.
“You can’t control it! Write letters, make phone calls, vote and hope for the best!”-he tries to reason with me.
I can’t help it though. Our future as Americans is riding on this election.
Plus there’s that magnetic pull, like the kind some people get when watching an epic disaster in slow motion. You just can’t help but look-it’s beyond belief. The ridiculous people and the ridiculous stories and the in-your-face manipulation of the media and the masses fall for it.
I’m probably going to turn into a pillar of salt before it’s over! LOL!
“aggghhh Im getting sick to death of politics”
Everyone I know tells me I’m crazy to bother or care. Maybe they’re right.