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Video: Rush Limbaugh on Fred’s “Stellar Performance”(Video) ^
| Jan 11, 2008
Posted on 01/11/2008 8:47:12 PM PST by Maelstorm
Rush Limbaugh talked about last nights debate. Fred, being the winner, took up a good portion of his talk.
Heres some of the transcript:
THOMPSON: Governor Huckabees campaign manager said it accurately in terms of what they believe. They believe that it is over. This is a battle for the heart and soul of the Republican Party and its future. On the one hand, you have a Reagan revolution; you have the Reagan coalition of limited government, and strong national security. On the other hand, you have the direction that Governor Huckabee would take us in. He would be a Christian leader, but he would also bring about liberal economic policies, liberal foreign policies.
RUSH: And, you know, now, this was unique. This has not happened to date in Republican debates with a Republican calling another Republican a liberal. And this is why Fred was considered to be on fire. He continued.
THOMPSON: He believes we have an arrogant foreign policy in the tradition of blame-America first. He believes that Guantanamo should be closed down and those enemy combatants brought here to the United States to find their way into the court system eventually. He believes in taxpayer funded programs for illegals, as he did in Arkansas. He has the endorsement of the National Education Association, and the NEA said it was because of his opposition to vouchers. He said he would sign a bill that banned smoking nationwide. So much for federalism, so much for states rights, so much for individual rights. Thats not the model of the Reagan coalition. Thats the model of the Democratic Party.
RUSH: Where has this been? Everybody is asking, Where has this been, besides on this program? Where has this been in the context of the Republican debates? When I got home from dinner last night and started checking e-mail both from friends and just others, it was just shy of orgasmic there was so much excitement and happiness, and people were also frustrated, wheres this been? Freds finally come alive. This is an annunciation of the conservative agenda that has not been present in their debates before, and everybody has known, a lot of people have known its there. It just hasnt surfaced. So now, because of Freds stellar performance last night I should say Senator Thompsons stellar performance, guess whats happening? Its predictable. The Drive-Bys, media commentators, the pundits who ought to be so ashamed of blowing New Hampshire as badly as they did, they shouldnt be able to show their face, they suffer no embarrassment whatsoever, they are saying its too little, too late. We had two states. We had the Hawkeye Cauci; weve had New Hampshire. We had two states. Its too late? Fred doesnt have a chance? Just wait til we get to these states where there are full-fledged conservative Republicans, not like New Hampshire, where McCain won the election with Democrats and independents. Mitt Romney got a majority of the Republican vote in New Hampshire. But the Republicans, in a Republican primary, were outnumbered by Democrats and independents.
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TOPICS: News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: elections; fred; limbaugh; rush; sc2008; thompson
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To: Bobbisox
posted on
01/12/2008 8:07:14 AM PST
(Pray for, and support our troops(heroes) !! And vote out the RINO's!!)
BUMP for RUSH and FRED!!!
To: Maelstorm
Great post. It is funny how one can come to conservatism from so many different paths, because it is, after all, the correct way to live. G-d has taught us that we humans are all brothers and sisters and that we must help people who cannot help themselves at all, and the rest should be best helped by not being humiliated with donations but shown a way to make it on their own.
This morning I listened to the radio discussing what my Governator wants to do to get all children covered with free healthcare in CA. I was thinking, if I were poor, why would I need to then include health care into my budget at all? I then can go out and get a widescreen HDTV! I don’t see how it helps the poor (and the illegals - do not get me started) to tell them they needn’t worry about their kid’s health - go out and party.
My arrival at conservatism came so differently from yours. I was brought up upper middle class, Jewish; I was politically somewhat ignorant. But as a teen I read all the women’s magazines that were full of feminist propaganda. I just took it all in as “fact.” Then I went to the university; again, every professor was a liberal.
It was when I went to live in Europe that I learned about socialism by living it. Laid off, I made 90% of my obscene salary by doing nothing. I was married, had a baby, and that cinched it. After trying for 6 years to have an embryo that grew to a real live baby, every embryo was sure as heck life to me. I’ve been a graduate student at the Institute for Advanced Conservative Studies ever since. Spending time with real communists really is quite eye-opening.
But it doesn’t matter how we get here. What matters right now is that we elect a leader who gets it, too.
I think we should send Huckabee to a socialist state for a while.
posted on
01/12/2008 9:18:20 AM PST
(If Fred loses it's our loss. Not his.)
To: Maelstorm
posted on
01/12/2008 9:22:42 AM PST
(VOTE! and
To: HelloooClareece
LOL! He said that? Too funny...
posted on
01/12/2008 10:13:21 AM PST
Liberty Valance
(This is my box of kleenex. There are many like it but this one is mine. Ah-Chooo!)
To: Maelstorm
From a Conservative’s standpoint like us, Rush FR, Human Events it really is a very easy and obvious choice to support Fred. It’s not very difficult or complicated...he’s the only Conservative in the race with a chance to win.
I just worry about the rest of the electorate...the mushy middle with no convictions who just vote by the seat of their pants.
We’ve all talked to friends, neighbors and coworkers about politics and I’m sure your conversations go the same way as mine.
“Who do you like for President?”
“I dunno, I sort of like Obama or maybe McCain or Romney. Rudy rubs me the wrong way.”
“What about Fred?”
“I dunno. Something about him.”
“I dunno.”
posted on
01/12/2008 11:02:41 AM PST
Eric Blair 2084
(Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms shouldn't be a federal should be a convenience store.)
To: Bobalu; Maelstorm
Rush may not want to officially endorse during the primaries, but if Fred is the nominee, I can guarantee you he’ll be excited about him, as he’s not been about a Republican candidate in years. That will only give Fred that much more of a boost among those Republicans who hadn’t settled on anyone yet, or who had been with a different candidate in the primaries.
posted on
01/12/2008 11:11:59 AM PST
To: Donald Rumsfeld Fan
Charles might be starting to smell the coffee. After telling his viewers that Fred is dead two days ago he said today that Fred has a chance.That's the problem with making snap judgements after only three primaries. There is just way too much time for a candidate to break out of the pack, or to put his foot squarely in his mouth, thus alienating lots of would be supporters. This is a wide open race, and ANYTHING can happen!
posted on
01/12/2008 11:13:53 AM PST
To: Maelstorm
There is no shame in sacrifice but those who would heap it on us in the name of public charity and guilt laying claim to the gratitude of the weak and lazy for themselves and then feed us on a diet of bitterness and class warfare are not our saviors. We not they are the sovereigns of this great land! We will have our say because those who came before us were not so weak as to sell their souls for the the empty promise of a bit of bread and entertainment.SO well said!!
posted on
01/12/2008 11:17:47 AM PST
To: SuziQ
Thank you SuziQ. I think so many of us feel the principles in our hearts and do no seek shallow satisfaction bowing down to worship at the steps of bureaucracy.
posted on
01/12/2008 11:37:41 AM PST
(Let the Fredvolution begin!)
To: Eric Blair 2084
I think that that mushy middle will take care of itself. All it takes is a bit of inspiration and they are headed to your team. Most independents either do not know enough to make a decision or are really not as much independent as they appear on the surface. Bush won the independents in 2004 not because of any great change of policy but because he spoke what he believed strongly and had a team of support and a blow out convention to build on plus a horrible candidate to run against. Plus we on the net saved him from Dan Rather and deconstructed the anti-War Hero of the left for him. Independents are typically not hard to convince they just are very hard to keep on your team. They are the ADHD class of politics.
That said, we just need to win the battles we are fighting now. The one we will fight in the general election will come soon enough. Does anyone think that we can not deconstruct the most liberal of Democratic party? Both Hillary, Obama, and Edwards are disgusting trolls of victim politics, class warfare, blame America first, and social liberalism. If we can not take them down then we deserve to be ruled by them.
posted on
01/12/2008 11:47:07 AM PST
(Let the Fredvolution begin!)
To: Maelstorm
I guess that is our job to reprogram our mushy middle undecided clueless friends and relatives to support Fred.
They trust us. For good reason. We are the only ones paying attention and who have a clue. Scary.
posted on
01/12/2008 11:54:00 AM PST
Eric Blair 2084
(Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms shouldn't be a federal should be a convenience store.)
To: Maelstorm
There is no shame in sacrifice but those who would heap it on us in the name of public charity and guilt laying claim to the gratitude of the weak and lazy for themselves and then feed us on a diet of bitterness and class warfare are not our saviors. We not they are the sovereigns of this great land! We will have our say because those who came before us were not so weak as to sell their souls for the the empty promise of a bit of bread and entertainment. Whoa! Tom Paine, Is that you?
posted on
01/12/2008 12:20:49 PM PST
(I guess I done see'd that varmint for the last time....)
To: Maelstorm
I’ve been gone a few days, but last I heard was that Fred was going to be getting a huge endorsement! Actually when I saw that posted it was in caps-—anyway, I wonder if anyone knows what or who that may have been? thought it might be Rush, but I’d doubt that at this early stage. I haven’t seen any more about it, but then, as I said, I’ve not been on the computer for awhile. Thanks.
posted on
01/12/2008 12:30:19 PM PST
To: Maelstorm
Once again, Rush is Right, and Fred’s the Man.
posted on
01/13/2008 3:46:56 PM PST
To: Eric Blair 2084
In this sort of conversation, my first positive statement about Fred is always: “I just really like his sort of common sense.” Then I progress to specific points: 2nd amendment, taxes, the WOT, conservative judges, etc. I try to tailor my comments specifically for the person I’m talking to—saying things that will appeal to them and be cogent to their personal circumstances.
There are a lot of “undecideds” out there still and just a conversation in the grocery store checkout line can lead to a “convert”. We can’t afford to overlook anyone.
posted on
01/17/2008 11:16:03 PM PST
("Victory at all costs,.....for without victory there is no survival." Winston Churchill)
To: singfreedom
I have done my part and converted 23 undecideds in here in the Democratic People’s Republic of New Jersey (DPRNJ). That should raise Fred’s vote total here from 2.112% to 2.113%.
The voters here are stupid. What can I do?
posted on
01/18/2008 8:02:54 PM PST
Eric Blair 2084
(Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms shouldn't be a federal should be a convenience store.)
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