The rules of political correctness are very complicated, and they are constantly being adjusted by the Masters and Mistresses of Political Correctness.
One of the most basic rules is that you must keep up with the latest rules and strictly adhere to them, or you will be booted out of the Camp of Political Correctness. You are not permitted to just agree with 90% and disagree with 10%. That is unacceptable.
So you have to keep up with the latest developments, and call in to HQ at regular intervals to be sure you are with the program.
As you say, Downs Syndrome fetuses are politically incorrect, and should be aborted. Girl fetuses may be aborted if they have Downs Syndrome, but NOT because you want to get rid of a girl and have a boy instead. But a boy fetus can be aborted for any reason.
Black fetuses should always be aborted, BUT THIS MUST NEVER BE TALKED ABOUT. It’s understood that you are aborting black and third world babies to help young, disadvantaged black and third world girls get on with their lives without impediments, and not because you want to eliminate the black race as genetically inferior in some Darwinian sense of the word.
Und so weiter.